Friday, June 15, 2007

Hackitude: Blister Fixes For Summer Shoes

Posted by Hotseat |

Lizzadiez, one of the WORST things about summer is the sudden switch to strappy shoes that leaves you with blisters or calluses for a few weeks. Here is my three pronged method for fixing the problem:

  1. Prevention. Yes, it's annoying, but try not to get them in the first place. LUCKILY, this year, I tested this killer new product, Band-Aid Blister block. It looks like a deodorant sampler, but it's a thick, slick layer of protection against rubbing on shoes.
  2. Treatment: If you have given yourself a blister, use this old ballet trick: thread a tiny needle with cotton thread. puncture the blister, parallel to the skin, with an "in" and "out" point. Pull the thread hough, and the thread will absorb the liquid. The protective flap stays, but the uncomfortable bulge is gone.
  3. If you have cuts or some other type of skin irritation and don't want to revert to socks and shoes, use Band-Aid Advanced Healing Bandages. These are made with "compeed" which is used in hospitals to heal wounds fast. They are waterproof, fully submersible and last for up to a week. (They also blend in fairly well with caucasian, latino ar light asian skin, which is a bonus of you still have to wear open shoes afterward)
