Thursday, June 14, 2007

Munchitude Hall of Fame: Ice Cream Recipe!

Posted by Hotseat |

It's no secret that I LOVE ICE CREAM. When I was in University, I used to visit Greg's Ice Cream weekly, even in winter. My obsession only grew. I bought a Cuisinart Ice Cream maker and this book and I began experimenting with all sorts of methods of preparing it. The key to it is to find the "sweet cream base" (plain ice cream, there isn't even vanilla in it) and then work from there. Here now, I present to you my favourite Sweet cream base that makes a 1 quart batch of ice cream:

1 Cup Whipping Cream
1 Cup Half and Half
2 egg yolks
1 cup condensed milk

measure and mix all ingredients in a glass volume measuring pitcher (easiest method) using a whisk to make the mix incorporates properly. chill in fridge for 1/2 hour. Add mixture to ice cream maker and prepare according to manufacturer's instructions. Add mix ins last.

a few notes:

  • don't add liquor or salt: it changes the freezing point of the ice cream.
  • add about 2 teaspoons of flavouring to the mixture if desired (if using liquid flavouring from the grocery store)
  • fruit seems like a good idea, but often makes for an uneven, ice-laden batch. I save fruit for the topping.
